Rabu, 21 November 2012

Musketeer Lost Saga

Posted by Odiwijaya on 16.20


Musketeer Logo
MusketeersMusketeer's Epic Gear

The Musketeer appears to lay low at the rear of the battleground, but, in fact, he is playing a big part in the battle by using his long-ranged rifle that can strike enemies at a far distance. His natural ability to observe enemies off in the distance gives him precise aim allowing him to knock enemies off with a single Head Shot if they are near a drop zone. The picture-perfect Musketeer can deploy a cannon that fires powerful blasts toward the enemy’s camp. You may think the Musketeer is a pretty boy from his appearance, but be cautious when you get near him as you could get pierced with his sword followed by a swift kick.


Skill PictureSkill TypeKeysDescription
Weapon SkillWeapon Skill-SDHead Shot:
Boom Head Shot! This 17th century bullet still packs a punch as it can pierce multiple enemies at once. Victems of the Musketeer's headshot often say they were stunned by how much pain it caused.
Armor SkillArmor SkillASDCannon:
Activating this skill instantly deploys a cannon that fire two powerful shots. Those caught in the blast are instantly knocked down. This skill is excellent for hitting those already on the ground for an extra dose of pain.
Helm SkillHelm SkillA-DEagle Eye
long ranged weapons aren't much use without long ranged sight. The (passive) Eagle Eye ability allows the Musketeer to see much more of the battle than any other hero.
Trinket SkillTrinket SkillAS-Thrust
When enemies get too close the Musketeer is not afraid to bust out his sabre. A swift piercing thrust and a kick will teach any foe that it is best to stay away from the musketeer.

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