Rabu, 21 November 2012

Lost Samurai Lost Saga

Posted by Odiwijaya on 16.14


Lost SamuraisEpic Lost Samurai Heroes

Wearing layered scale battle armor and legendary katana, Lost Samurai is swift blademaster that can cut through wind itself. Unshakable battle stance and big scar in the face will sure to intimidate thier opponents. Lost Samurai will stun their foes with strong kick, throw them to the air and immidiatly 10 hit slash attacks to make sure they dont stand ever again. When in disavantage, they can use spiritual shield to protect themselves from incoming attacks. Lost Samurai is truly a formidable Hero that are solid in both offence and defence.


Skill PictureSkill TypeKeysDescription
Weapon SkillWeapon Skill-SDCross Slash:
This fast 3-hit combo starts with uppercut, sending opponent to the air, followed by mid-air kick and finishes with FireSeal slash.
Armor SkillArmor SkillASDStun Kick:
Devastating dash-kick that stuns opponent. Use mid-air to send them flying.
Helmet SkillHelm SkillA-DUprising:
By unleashing inner rage, allowing guard breaking attacks for short time.
Trinket SkillTrinket SkillAS-Spirit Shield:
Grabs your opponent and do powerful overhead throw. Also, knocks down your opponent.

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