Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

Grand Templar Lostsaga

Posted by Odiwijaya on 21.45


Grand Templar Logo
Grand TemplarGrand Templar's Epic Gear

The Grand Templar. A juggernaught with a hammer. He'll crush his opponents under the weight of his hammer. His opponents will flee in terror as Grand Templar spins furiously knocking everything down in its path. He'll grow to a monstrous size and send his enemies flying. He'll even help his teammates (after he's done annhilating his enemies) with a invunerability blessing that breaks on knock down.


Skill PictureSkill TypeKeysDescription
WindmillWeapon Skill-SDWindmill:
Focusing all his concentration on his mighty hammer, the Grand Templar swings his hammer into a pro longed spin.
JudgementArmor SkillASDJudgement:
Calling strength from the heavens, the Grand Templar prepares himself to bring judgement to his enemies. Once he has found his target, he will launch himself high into the sky, then smash and stun upon those he lands on.
Holy RageHelm SkillA-DHoly Rage
Witness of countless amounts of bloodshed, the Grand Templar evokes a Holy Rage which grants extra knockback effects to all his attacks.
BlessingTrinket SkillAS-Blessing
From the light he grants himself and those around him sanctuary from physical attacks.

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