Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

Captain Hook Lost Saga

Posted by Odiwijaya on 17.59


Captain Hook
Captain HooksCaptain Hook's Epic Gear

Captain Hook is best for intermediate or highly skilled players. His outfit includes the captain’s hat, with a mysterious skull symbol, that is said to be cursed with the power to make whoever looks at it to drop a piece of gear. He’s a bomb specialist who always carries a small bomb, and also creates Bomb Showers that rain destruction down on his opponents. Captain Hook’s greatest strength is the parrot resting on his shoulder. The parrot will try to sing and encourage the captain to rapidly move through the battleground.
Hold D to set a bomb. Press D to throw it.


Skill PictureSkill TypeKeysDescription
Weapon SkillWeapon Skill-SDBomb Shower:
Bombs away! Captain Hook sends a shower of bombs in all directions.
Armor SkillArmor SkillASDBig Bomb:
Big Bomb goes BOOM! Deploy a bigger bomb than your regular ones. The book is so big it must be set up on the ground first. When picked up it will light up and detonate shortly after being thrown.
Helm SkillHelm SkillA-DCursed Skull
Scare the clothes off them! When Cursed Skull is activated your enemies will drop one piece of gear.
Trinket SkillTrinket SkillAS-Quickstep
Hook loves his parrot's singing. It literally brings him back to quicker younger days.

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