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Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

Priest Lostsaga

Posted by Odiwijaya on 22.06


Born to hunt, Evan comes to Lost Saga to bring his own brand of justice to the other heroes. Equipped with a blade and shotgun, Evan hopes to take down evil where ever it may hide. From aerial attacks to shotgun blasts, Priest is a versatile foe that will make quick work of you if you’re not careful.
Hyung Min Woo All Rights Reserved


Skill PictureSkill TypeKeysDescription
Weapon SkillWeapon Skill-SDDeath Hunt:
Lift and damage multiple times with your shotgun (press D repeatedly).
Armor SkillArmor SkillASDPunisher:
Faint your opponents with your tommy gun and throw dynamite while they’re down (press D to throw the dynamite).
Helmet SkillHelm SkillA-DEvan Step:
Step lightly to a predetermined area in the air to surprise attack another player. Can be used as a recovery on the ground.
Trinket SkillTrinket SkillAS-Red Cross:
Throw you many red crosses that damage and lift your opponents. Press D to throw out the red crosses when you activate the skill.

Exorcist Lostsaga

Posted by Odiwijaya on 22.04


Enter the Exorcist. He’s a very versatile melee hero who specializes in combos. He is able to mix together his normal D attack and minor Hold D attack for a devastating outcome. He wields Wolhyang, a spectral blade that flies around him. Beware as when he sets his eyes on you it’s almost impossible to survive.
Lee Woo Hyouk All Rights Reserved


Skill PictureSkill TypeKeysDescription
Weapon SkillWeapon Skill-SDWolhyang:
Release a spectral blade that damages nearby opponents.
Armor SkillArmor SkillASDLion’s Roar:
Roar with rage to make everyone around you shiver in terror.
Helmet SkillHelm SkillA-DKi Barrage:
Release a barrage of Ki energy to devastate everyone in your way.
Trinket SkillTrinket SkillAS-Sacred Cut:
Exorcist slashes through the air knocking back his opponents.

Ragna Lostsaga

Posted by Odiwijaya on 22.03


Lost Saga welcomes Ragna. Ragna brings to the table a multitude of combos at his disposal. He’s able to effectively keep an opponent in the air by stringing together his skill combos or using his basic, dash, and air attacks. Ragna’s coming for glory and he doesn’t feel like leaving without getting it.


Skill PictureSkill TypeKeysDescription
Weapon SkillWeapon Skill-SDInferno:
Slice your opponents and carry them into the air.
Weapon SkillWeapon Skill 2-SDBlack Onslaught:
When Ragna’s HP is low his weapon skill turns into Black Onslaught which has massive range and damage when used.
Armor SkillArmor SkillASDDevour:
Ragna sweeps the area grabbing an opponent. Repeated D taps will cause more swipes to occur.
Helmet SkillHelm SkillA-DHell’s Fang:
Ragna grabs and launches his opponent into the air. Can be used in the air.
Trinket SkillTrinket SkillAS-NotOverYet:
Ragna picks up a fallen opponent and releases them for a half faint.

Death Knight Lostsaga

Posted by Odiwijaya on 21.55


Death KnightDeath Knight's Epic Gear
Death Knight carries a huge sword that will clear it's pathway. Death Slash, makes a huge swing, knocking down it's oppenents to their knees. Skull Summon brings the opponents to you. Death Road summons an undead spiritthat can be controlled! Death Aura creates an to slow down your opponents. The Death Knight will consume you. Watch out for it's tainted sword.


Skill PictureSkill TypeKeysDescription
Weapon SkillWeapon Skill-SDDeath Slash:
Focusing all his concentration on his massive blade, the Death Knight does a wide sweeping attack. All caught in its wake fall to thier knees contemplating their fate.
Armor SkillArmor SkillASDSkull Summon:
Summon some demon skulls to ensare your opponents. Once captured they will helpless gravitate towards you.
Helm SkillHelm SkillA-DDeath Road
Summon a Shadow Demon that attacks all who cross his path. First hit stuns, the second throws the opponent.
Trinket SkillTrinket SkillAS-Death Aura
Defile the area with the Aura of Death! Enemies will be too frightened to sprint, and all enemy movement speeds will be slowed down.

Mafia Boss Hero Lost Saga

Posted by Odiwijaya on 21.48


Mafia Boss Logo
Mafia BossMafia Boss' Epic Gear

Armed with the fast double-handguns and a hidden dagger, the Mafia Boss emerged from the darkest side of the old-town streets and entered through the Time-Gate to face the new world of enemies. The quick reloads of his guns and the ability to fire from both weapons at once have earned him the title of a boss. Do not mess with the Mafia Boss when you face one amongst different Heroes of time and space!


Skill PictureSkill TypeKeysDescription
Weapon SkillWeapon Skill-SDReload:
Reload in half the amount of time needed.
Armor SkillArmor SkillASDDetonate:
Throw a grenade to blow them "sky high".
Helmet SkillHelm SkillA-DHigh Kick
Punt them high into the sky! Nothing beats arial target practice!
Trinket SkillTrinket SkillAS-Shank
Why waste bullets when a good stab does just as good of a job. The blood loss makes your enemies slowly faint to the ground.

Sol Badguy Lost Saga

Posted by Odiwijaya on 21.46


Sol Badguy
Realizing that having a blood experimental body of the Gear Project made him become further and futher from being human, Sol Badguy stole Fireseal sword and escaped. Now living as Bounty Hunter. Grand Viper, jumps in the air continued by quick 3 hit combo. Riot Stamp, powerful dash kick that will knock your foe. Dragon Install, grants strength to guard-break your enemy. Wild Pitch, grab and throw your opponent over your head. Sol Badguy's agility and powerful air combo attacks will make you think twice before you jump.
Sol Badguy


Skill PictureSkill TypeKeysDescription
Weapon SkillWeapon Skill-SDGrand Viper:
This fast 3-hit combo starts with uppercut, sending opponent to the air, followed by mid-air kick and finishes with FireSeal slash.
Armor SkillArmor SkillASDRiot Stamp:
Devastating dash-kick that stuns opponent. Use mid-air to send them flying.
Helmet SkillHelm SkillA-DDragon Install:
By unleashing inner rage, allowing guard breaking attacks for short time.
Trinket SkillTrinket SkillAS-Wild Pitch:
Grabs your opponent and do powerful overhead throw. Also, knocks down your opponent.

Grand Templar Lostsaga

Posted by Odiwijaya on 21.45


Grand Templar Logo
Grand TemplarGrand Templar's Epic Gear

The Grand Templar. A juggernaught with a hammer. He'll crush his opponents under the weight of his hammer. His opponents will flee in terror as Grand Templar spins furiously knocking everything down in its path. He'll grow to a monstrous size and send his enemies flying. He'll even help his teammates (after he's done annhilating his enemies) with a invunerability blessing that breaks on knock down.


Skill PictureSkill TypeKeysDescription
WindmillWeapon Skill-SDWindmill:
Focusing all his concentration on his mighty hammer, the Grand Templar swings his hammer into a pro longed spin.
JudgementArmor SkillASDJudgement:
Calling strength from the heavens, the Grand Templar prepares himself to bring judgement to his enemies. Once he has found his target, he will launch himself high into the sky, then smash and stun upon those he lands on.
Holy RageHelm SkillA-DHoly Rage
Witness of countless amounts of bloodshed, the Grand Templar evokes a Holy Rage which grants extra knockback effects to all his attacks.
BlessingTrinket SkillAS-Blessing
From the light he grants himself and those around him sanctuary from physical attacks.

Dessert Bleder Lostsaga

Posted by Odiwijaya on 21.44


Desert Blader carries double blades to slash and hack the opponents. Lunar Slash, slashes opponents 3 times back and forth in a split second. Spiral Kick to launch a surprish kick to the back. Windwall to push back your opponents all around or to get yourself out of trouble! Sandstorm to launch your enemies high up in the air. Can you catch this silent slicer? Or will you be the victim of the Desert Blader.Desert Blader


Skill PictureSkill TypeKeysDescription
Weapon SkillWeapon Skill-SDLunar Slash:
Focusing all his concentration on his blades, the Desert Blader lounges forward to do lightening quick slashes.
Armor SkillArmor SkillASDSpiral Kick:
Just because his backed is turned towards your doesn't mean he's not aware. The spiral kick makes the Desert Blader jump and kick enemies behind him.
Helmet SkillHelm SkillA-DWindwall
Make those who come near you spin in a dizzying haze.
Trinket SkillTrinket SkillAS-Sandstorm
Call for the essence of the desert sand storm and unleash a desert tornado on your foes.

Iron Knight Lostsaga

Posted by Odiwijaya on 21.43


Iron Knight Logo
Iron KnightIron Knight Epic Gear

With his mighty sword and strong armor, the Iron Knight is always on the frontlines. A Triple Slash connected with a Headbutt combo is a good way to disorient the enemy. While the enemy is confused, the Iron Knight's team will rush to attack boosted by his Haste Aura. This makes the Iron Knight a steadfast and strong opponent.


Skill PictureSkill TypeKeysDescription
Weapon SkillWeapon Skill-SDTriple Slash:
With speed and grace the Iron Knight slashes three times. His concentration is so strong nothing can stop him while he performs this move.
Armor SkillArmor SkillASDShield Sigil:(Passive)
With his strong armor protecting him, attacks to the Iron Knight slightly knock back any opponents that melee attacks him.
Helm SkillHelm SkillA-DHeadbutt
Amidist the confusion of battle the Iron Knight will suddenly do a surprise headbutt that stuns his opponents.
Trinket SkillTrinket SkillAS-Haste Aura
With his battle leadership and years of experience, the Iron Knight understands the importance of mobility. When the Iron Knight activates the Haste Aura those around him and himself will move much faster.

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